Monday, November 11, 2013

Fashion!, You are too old for our demand!

A must introduction.

Fashion !

Its sexy and simple and stylish its everything it changes so frequently but usually goes back to oldies, its about the design the tailoring the colours the very small detail of the cuts and cuffs and collars, buttons shape and fabric.
Yet the innovation in fashion industry specially in fabrics part was limited and lacking of the magic touch to be honest it has now very wide range of thermo-regulating wrinkle-free, breathable elastic and water proof, ..... 

Water proof!, 

Here comes the challenge and the change!, the industry shows that altering the fabric is the shortest way to have a water proof clothing even waxing it as a solution, so tell me about that 100% cotton water proof t-shirt or that 100 % wool coat that is water proof. Not really!

The Story!

Solution is there! -not yet-

Olga D: Oh, I got that spray its awesome, you can apply it on any surface and go out to rain!, well its smells somehow, but not so bad, ah it also lasts for 2-3 hours then not that effective, hum, well not every time but once in a while it made the tie a little bit darker and the shoes looks bit changed! but hey its OK!"

That was a feedback about what the market offers as a solution, I went out I bought that spray big one design not so bad, 300 ml pack metal spray,was not raining that day so I decided to wait in 3 days it was the time, slight raining out side, i took my spray shaken it well, applied it on my shoes and my wool coat, well the spray really smells that chemical odour of, hum, methanol!! some people is  allergic to such kinda things! well, will see, I went out no raining - as usual - when you go out prepared for rain it stops!), though i decided to continue the test bought a bottle of water, slightly dropped some drops ... not bad! on the way back home - in 8 hours - it was raining but its gone! shoes totally destroyed coat is as wet as it should be without that spray!

What I need is:

A product that does not stink or smells bad, 
A product that does not change the colour of the feeling or the look of my clothes, 
A product that I can apply one time and it lasts for long long time, 
A product that after applying I can wash my clothes and it stills effective at least 10 washes!!, 
A product that is affordable, and does not cheat me!
A product that is green " echo-friendly" dose not harm the nature! -yes I am green freak-!
A product that I will be proud to use and suggest to my friends!!
Even if its looks that I am asking a lot but who cares!? 
I AM ASKING A LOT!! I am greedy and I am demanding. 

Whenever this product is available just let me know!

- to be continued-

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